Sunday, May 15, 2011

International Mall-Tampa

We went on a Thursday. The only time this mall gets 'packed' is during the holiday season. Of course the weekends are a bit more busy then weekdays..

10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 
11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

International Mall's website

Unlike the other mall we reviewed, this mall has a hotel; Renaissance hotel.
This mall also has 16 restaurants,(many are located outside).

International Mall is considered our more upscale mall in the Tampa area; with about 200 stores.

Just like Citrus Park Mall, the stores have moved around/have gone missing since we were last there in March.

This mall has two stories.

There's an elevator located in the center of the mall(across from the food court), that is glass all around, and it feels like it's about to tip over....***Take the stairs**

The style of this mall is very contemporary. 

Since this is the more upscale mall of this area, you are bound to run into some people who have had a lot of plastic surgery... good/bad.

You may be asking yourself, "Does this mall have a directory?"
Why yes, yes it does!

We both hate fake plants(you should also), but it's much better then having dead/dying real indoor plants.

Monday, April 18, 2011

While in Florida, you may need a DIVORCE!

Today we stopped by our local grocery store(Publix).

Walking out, we saw a stand with free magazine/newspaper items.

Yes, it happens in Florida also.

So, you've been served with some divorce papers? You probably deserved it.

Now I know, you're thinking, "what the hell do I do now??!??"

First off, don't PANIC, or spend lots of money. It's only the first day, but you'll be suffocated by the amount of stress you're about to have. But don't panic.

Will you need a divorce attorney? 
-Yes, within 20 days, not 21, unless you're lucky.  But don't count on it, since lucky people live happy marriages for the rest of their lives.  Unlike you.
What? You're forgetful and went over 20 days?? No wonder why your spouse left you.

Now, it's the second day.  You thought the first day was overwhelming? WELL OH MAN, you have no idea what this second day has in store for you.

Miss work. Period.  Just don't go in.  Oh, you'll be fired? Oh well, it's not like your life is going well anyway.  Decide if you want an attorney(remember 20 DAYS).  Review the shit you shared with your spouse.  So you can claim it, and what not.  Cancel all credit cards shared with them, because remember, they left you, they deserve nothing.

Don't spend money.  Unless it's on a gym membership, because that person probably left you for that reason.  Marriage is NO excuse to let your body go. 

This magazine says to "build a financial war chest", so put away a bunch of stuff and money like you're going to war, or something...  Collect all records of paperwork.  Call the IRS, and ask for your tax transcripts.

The third day has now arrived.  
Continue thinking about your marriage and how it failed.
Attend a seminar, you'll meet some other person just as lonely as you.  But if you two get married, it won't last. Obviously.

Only the vast majority of people survive divorce.
The magazine said so.  I'm guessing a lot of people die. So be on the watch for deadly things.  And possibly prepare your suicide note.  We understand why you would want to end it all.

You won't ever forget what happened.
This magazine talks about how you'll be over it in a few months.
LOL, yeah right.  

What to know more about divorce?
Just visit your local Publix and pick up a copy of Florida Divorce & Custody Guide

Don't have a Publix near by?

Sounds like someone needs to come to Florida ;)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Village Inn- Dale Mabry(Tampa)

We went to Village Inn at 8:40 a.m. today(Tuesday).

Both of us got that 4 choices for $6.99 deal.
Of course we both got bacon, and hash-browns.



Please replace your blinds, if I would of stared at them any longer I would of lost my appetite.


  • Cleanliness- Eh...
  • Service- Great!
  • Food- Bacon=AMAZING, and the french toast was pretty good for a cheap place like Village Inn.
  • Price- Very very very very affordable, all that food on the table(pictures above) was only $19.
  • Name of our server- Celeste

Friday, March 25, 2011

Citrus Park Mall- Tampa

This is our first official post.

 We went to Citrus Park Mall on Wednesday,  March. 23

 Right now they currently have these really tacky indoor plants 
As you can see, they're dying and they don't really match anything.

This mall does have a movie theater.  It's a Regal movie theater with possibly the most terrifying escalator EVER.  We couldn't capture a picture of it, but trust us, it's scary.

Monday, March 21, 2011


We started this blog as a way to show people places around Florida, and to share our opinions.
Sort of like a review...

We came up with a nice size list of places to go to.  Just the motivation and commitment to this blog needs to be better.. ha

Posts soon!  Hopefully.

**If there is any where you'd like us to visit in Florida, please leave a comment.