Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the "sunshine state"

it kind of rains a lot here.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Citrus Park Mall- Tampa

This is our first official post.

 We went to Citrus Park Mall on Wednesday,  March. 23

 Right now they currently have these really tacky indoor plants 
As you can see, they're dying and they don't really match anything.

This mall does have a movie theater.  It's a Regal movie theater with possibly the most terrifying escalator EVER.  We couldn't capture a picture of it, but trust us, it's scary.

Monday, March 21, 2011


We started this blog as a way to show people places around Florida, and to share our opinions.
Sort of like a review...

We came up with a nice size list of places to go to.  Just the motivation and commitment to this blog needs to be better.. ha

Posts soon!  Hopefully.

**If there is any where you'd like us to visit in Florida, please leave a comment.